miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2012

60 de Ebook-uri gratuite despre traduceri si interpretariat

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Pe site-ul Infotra poti gasi un numar impresionant de carti electronice pe care le poti descarca gratuit. Mai exact 60.

Fie ca esti traducator sau interpret, fie ca stii limba engleza, limba spaniola, franceza sau italiana, site-ul acesta iti vine manusa!

Poate iti vor atrage atentia urmatoarele titluri:

1. Quantifying quality costs and the cost of poor quality in translation: Quality efforts and the consequences of poor quality in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation. Luxemburg, European Commission

The present study makes the case that quality efforts in translation are indispensable and worth paying for, as these costs actually save money in the long run. It aims to provide a methodology for calculating:

1. The quality-related costs, i.e. quality investment, which in addition to quality control measures in the translation activity includes recruitment, training, IT and translation tools, terminology, etc.

2. The costs of poor quality, i.e. the costs of corrigenda, poorly written originals, IT problems, poor quality of external translations, as well as the costs, financial or otherwise, for the Commission, the EU and society in general.

The first part will put the concepts of “quality”, “quality costs” and the “cost of poor quality” in a theoretical framework. 

After that, the study will provide an overview of DGT’s activities that have an impact on the quality of its translations, and indicate how the costs and benefits of DGT’s quality efforts and the costs of poor quality for DGT can be quantified (chapter 4).

2. Guía de oportunidades profesionales para traductores e intérpretes en organizaciones internacionales. Madrid, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación.

La Guía ofrece una información completa sobre las oportunidades profesionales para traductores e intérpretes en aquellas instituciones y organizaciones internacionales que tienen el español como lengua oficial, así como sobre los diferentes apoyos a la traducción ofrecidos por las organizaciones internacionales.

Con ella se pretende dar a conocer las oportunidades profesionales en el ámbito de la traducción e interpretación tanto entre los expertos e interesados como entre universidades, colegios profesionales, y otras entidades relevantes de la sociedad española.

3. Programme for quality management in translation. Luxemburg, European Commission.

Overview of measures taken by the European Commission’s translation service to ensure sustained quality management in translation.

4.  EU Translation Tools: Information Guide, Zagreb European Law Information Centre, Zagreb Law School.

El objetivo de esta guía es proporcionar un acceso rápido a las principales fuentes de información de la UE relacionados con la traducción e interpretación en la UE, incluidas las herramientas de traducción en línea y ayudas.

En cuanto a los tipos de fuentes cubiertas, la guía consta de varias categorías de documentos: fuentes principales (instituciones, organismos, organizaciones o portales de Internet en el campo de la política lingüística) – Herramientas de traducción y glosarios – Legislación UE y preparatoria, publicaciones, informes, estudios y documentos clave como artículos y libros.

5. Cognitive stylistics and the translator. London Sayyab Books

Stylistics and Translation are two well established fields which are usually treated separately as two independent disciplines. However, in this work they have been presented as two interdisciplinary subjects in the area of translation studies. This is made possible through the extraordinary importance of style in translation.

The book is set out in two parts. The First Part of this book has been assigned to different schools of stylistics, old and new, Arabic stylistics, stylistic analysis, style and choice and the distinguished position of style in language studies of texts, especially literary texts in theory and practice.

6. Translation: An advanced resource book. New York, Routledge.

Translation, both commercial and literary, is an activity that is growing phenomenally in today’s globalized world. The study of translation, an interdisciplinary field known as Translation Studies, has also developed enormously in the past twenty years. It interfaces with a wide range of other disciplines from linguistics and modern languages to Cultural Studies and postcolonialism.

This book attempts to investigate both the practice and the theory of translation in an accessible and systematic way. It is designed specifically with the needs in mind of students of Masters degrees and nal year undergraduates in translation or applied linguistics, research students beginning to investigate the eld, and practising translators who wish to examine the theory behind the practice. It is hoped that it will also provide useful insights and examples for more experienced researchers.

7. Traducción & paratraducción de videojuegos: textualidad y paratextualidad en la traducción audiovisual y multimedia. Vigo, Universidad de Vigo.

Ramón Méndez González, doctorando del Grupo T&P, nos presenta su investigación sobre la textualidad y la paratextualidad en traducción audiovisual y multimedia utilizando los videojuegos como corpus.

Un crítico y exhaustivo análisis sobre los aspectos teóricos, formativos y profesionales más sobresalientes del rico mercado de la localización de videojuegos. El doctorando no ha olvidado tratar incluso en su tesis doctoral el importante tema del servicio de interpretación en los encuentros internacionales del sector de los videojuegos.

8. Interpretation Techniques and Exercises Clevedon.

This book seeks to fill that need by providing a structured syllabus and an overview of interpretation accompanied by exercises, developed for the classroom, in the main aspects of the art. It is meant to serve as a practical guide for interpreters and as a complement to interpreter training programs, particularly those for students preparing for conference interpreting in international governmental and business settings.

9. The status of the translation profession in the European Union. Luxemburg, European Commission.

This report is a study of the mechanisms by which the status of translators is signalled in the European Union in 2011-12, with comparisons with the United States, Canada and Australia.

The report is based on previous surveys and input from some 100 experts and informants. It offers sociological and economic modelling of the way signalling mechanisms affect markets in this field, with specific reference to academic qualifications, professional certifications, membership of associations and years of experience.

The report proposes criteria for actions that might be taken to enhance the signalling of status.

10.  Translations from Arabic into Romanian (1990-2010)

According to Ioana Feodorov in her study “The Arab World in the Romanian Culture (1957-2001)”, in Romania, the systematical study of the Arabic language and literature was initiated in 1957, although the Arabic language had been taught and learned sporadically here, at different times, in certain high-schools with a special profile (for instance, at the Muslim Theological Seminar).

In short, we may say that it is possible to speak of a translation activity directly from Arabic and a research activity in the field of Arabic language and literature in Romania since the beginning of the ‘60-‘70 of 20th century, though attempts worthy of mentioning were made as early as the 19th century, and first of all those of Timotei Cipariu (1805-1887), a great philologist, with a good mastery of the Arabic language.

However, the great number of the publications reflects the special interest paid to the Arabic cultural area, to the Islamic world, by the researchers, writers, journalists in Romania, as well as the interest of a wide range of readers, which led most of the translations and works dedicated to this area to become out of print in a short delay.

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